Newsletter – Tanja Liedtke Foundation 
July 2014

Left: Antony Hamilton - Fellow 2009. Middle: Katarzyna Sitarz - Fellow 2011. Right: Joseph Simons - Fellow 2013.

Announcing 2015 Tanja Liedtke Fellowship

The Tanja Liedtke Foundation is very pleased to announce that the Tanja Liedtke Fellowship will be offered in 2015 to eligible Australian dancer/choreographers. Candidates between the ages of 20 and 35, and who are citizens or permanent residents of Australia will be invited to apply.

The 2015 Fellowship will offer a similar program to the 2013 Fellowship, and include a 3 week creative development residency at ada Studio in Berlin, and participation in Tanzlabor_21’s Summer Lab in Frankfurt am Main. The Fellow will also be given the opportunity to see a range of contemporary dance theatre performances during Berlin’s Tanz im August, one of the foremost international contemporary dance festivals.

The Fellowship program will be scheduled for August/September 2015.

Full information about the program and how to apply will be available through the TLF website in October 2014.


Tanja - Life in Movement – further screenings in Germany in 2014.

Tanja - Life in Movement continues to be screened around Germany. Recently the documentary was screened in Bonn with Paul White as guest speaker, and on 30 August there will be a special screening at the open-air cinema of the Daimler Benz Museum in Stuttgart.

The documentary has had an enormous success in Europe.  Congratulations to everyone to made this film possible and continue to work very hard so that as many people as possible will have the chance to see it.


Imploded - more international touring by David Hughes Dance.

Imploded: Une reverie romantique, created by Tanja in 2007, has been performed and toured by David Hughes Dance since it was first created. This year the work was performed in February as part of British Edition (a showcase platform for British contemporary dance) and in Wolfsburg and Villingen/Schweningen, Germany in March as part of David Hughes Dance touring program.

In November this year, the work will be presented by DHD in Zug, Switzerland as well as Leverkusen and Aschaffenburg in Germany.

We wish the David Hughes Company all success with these ongoing performances of Imploded.


inspiring dance workshops – NAISDA and QL2

In August 2014, the inspiring dance workshops will, for the third year running, be delivered to NAISDA Dance College students in Kariong NSW. The success of these workshops over the last 2 years, and the impact and benefits to students has been truly remarkable. The workshops give students the chance to explore their own choreographic language, unlocking creative tools and building the skills to discover ways to create new work and to collaborate with each other in the creative process.
Also in 2014, the workshops will be delivered to the young artists engaged in the  QL2 Dance program in Canberra. QL2 offers Australian dance graduates opportunities to develop professional skills and plan their career. This is the first time the inspiring dance workshops have been delivered at QL2. In 2014, Kristina Chan and Amelia McQueen will direct these workshops.


Best wishes to all our supporters,

Tanja Liedtke Foundation.  


In Australia - Tax deductible donations to the Tanja Liedtke Endowment can be made by EFT or cheque.
Simply download the form on the Tanja Liedtke Foundation website (found on the Donations page),
and send with your donation to;
Perpetual Foundation - Tanja Liedkte Endowment, GPO Box 4172, Sydney 2001.
In Germany - either send cheque to the Tanja Liedtke Stiftung c/o Deutsche Bank AG, Private Wealth Management, Stiftungs Office,
Mainzer Landstraße 178-190, 60327 Frankfurt a.M. or direct transfer to
Tanja Liedtke Stiftung, Kontonummer: 700761001, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt a.M.,
BLZ: 500 700 10, IBAN: DE 95 500 700 100 7007610 00.