danceWEB 2023 in Vienna
Alina Belyagina – DanceWeb 2023 / Tanja Liedtke Stiftung
“I always knew that DanceWeb is something special, at the same time I thought the program is more related to dancers and dance training. The first week already offered me a lot of surprises, meeting one of our mentors Lara Kramer who has an incredibly deep personality and unique biographical landscape.
My research Lab with Meg Stuart, Ivo Dimchev, Jassem Hindi, Angelique Willkie and others inspired me for the next research phase
and gave me so many important tools to discover the way how I would like to create, work and communicate. Especially for me, because I never did an Art school or long educational program in dance, I can say It was my first experience of being enveloped for a whole month in contemporary art. Also an incredible marathon of watching dance performances from Western Europe and Canada. For the July 2023 Impulstanz Festival, I booked 51 shows. Tanja Liedtke Stiftung covered my participation for the DanceWeb program and I could enjoy the present of being in the dance epicenter this summer.
The choreographic knowledge I trained during the DanceWeb program I can already use for my next production in Munich in 2024. Kulturreferat Munich supported my research with Debutföderung and a research scholarship for the next year. In Vienna I met Anna Kozonina a dance writer and dramaturg, one of the Jury of 8tension and for the next residency period that I have at Kunstenwerkplaats,
Brussels, Anna will support us as an outside eye.
Thank you so much Gerlinde!”
Alina Belyagina

Photo from Meg Stuart Lab, Vienna
We are pleased that we can support another artist for the participation at danceWEB 2023 in Vienna. This year it will be ALINA BELYAGINA , here a brief info, more once she has participated at danceWEB.
“I was born in Ukraine and grew up in West Siberia, together with Amie Jammeh (Gambia/Sweden origin) we were invited to Rovaniemi- Lapland to stage our research.
Here is the video of me dancing for “Das beste Deutsche Tanz Solo” I got an audience award. The competition has a lovely idea after Alain Platel to dance on round form table. I work a lot with perspective to create 360 dance performances.”

Alina Belyagina, YouTube Screenshot from video “Pure.Image Leipzig”